Von: Power minds Youth [mailto:powermindsyouth@yahoo.co.uk]
Gesendet: Freitag, 9. März 2012 13:01
An: Fleischer, Torsten
Cc: heinz
Betreff: Hello papa
Am hoping all is going well. Am also fine down here getting dirty with my project. We are starting the building and rehabilitation on 25th this month hoping all will go on well.
I would like you to share the document I have attached with your kids and whoever fund raised money for this project show them what the money they raised did.
Will send you the pics of the ground breaking ceremony of the project coming soon.
Greetings to your girlfriend because she is all you got, hahahahahahahaha poor man
N.B: for conversion purposes 1 Euro is equivalent to 3000 Uganda shillings
Dokument 1:
THIS MEMORADUM OF UNDERSTANDING is made at Kasanje sub county Wakiso District this …24th……… day of ………February………………….. 2012
POWER MINDS YOUTH ORGANIZATION a body corporate of Plot 15 Buganda P.O Box 4735 Kampala (hereinafter referred to as “the TENANT”) on the one part.
KASANJE SUBCOUNTY of P.O Box………7218……….Wakiso (hereinafter referred to as “the LANDLORD”/”Lawful owners) of the one part.
1. That the community building of the sub county has been allocated to power minds youth organization to maintain occupy, use and manage for the purpose of youth development activities at a cost of 250.000 (Two hundred fifty thousand shillings) per month and shall be paid in 12 month advances.
2. That the officers responsible for this allocation shall be the LC3 chairman, Sub county Chief and the community Development Officer of the sub county.
3. The Centre shall be a hub for youth mobilization, Skills development, Talent development, Meeting point for the young people, social centre, but limited to lawful Youth community development activities.
4. That this Memorandum of understanding shall act as a contract between both parties and the same shall not be affected by changes in administration/leadership on both sides.
5. The allocation and occupancy by power minds youth organization shall last for..5.. years a period that is presumed adequate for power minds youth organization to have gotten its permanent resident.
6. That termination by either parties shall be by notice of 6 months and upon a meeting between both parties.
Also kann man sagen, die Hütte kostet 80 € im Monat...
Zitat von Matsumoto
das gibt nix, seh ich gleich.
Du meinst, die machen das anscheinend eher nach unserem JUZ-Motto? Da wäre dann ja jeder Cent in unserem Sinne goldrichtig angelegt!
Nicholas versucht jetzt übrigens, die holländische Botschaft anzuzapfen..:
Von: Power minds Youth [mailto:powermindsyouth@yahoo.co.uk]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 27. März 2012 10:06
An: Fleischer, Torsten
Betreff: Guten tag papa
Am hoping you are very well this morning, I would like you to write for me a recommendation letter indicating that Idstein and Heftricth know Power Minds Youth Organisation and they are the funders of the the Youth Community Development Center Project currently running.
I wrote a concept note to the Netherlands embassy asking them to fund some of our Youth Focused Projects next year so they needed us to state our current project funders with their recommendation.
Am supposed to hand them in tomorrow.
RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda
in Quasselecke 28.03.2012 13:15von ich bin der nackte golfer • Besucher | 1.573 Beiträge
Zitat von franz
und wofür braucht er diesen haufen erde ?
DAS habe ich mich allerdings auch gefragt..!
nochmal zur Erinnerung:
Nicholas schrieb:
"We have always tried to write and ask the district to give us a room for our youth but we found out that the district officials want to use my kids as a platform for their political achievements. Yet they have not done anything towards solving problems that youth faces in Kasanje. So they gave me a condition that whenever there are political gatherings, I should mobilise my kids to foster their agendas. That really pissed me off so much because politicians have used youth in lots of stupid things and in return they get arrested and beaten. Worst of all I hate politics.
I decided to work hard and acquire our own youth centre. Hopefully I will achieve that."
Und DESHALB ist es mir scheißegal, wofür er die Erde braucht. Überschüttet diesen Herrn mit harten West-Euros! Plündert!! Mordet! Brandschatzt! Räumt die Portemonnaies Eurer Verwandten aus, während sie schlafen!
Eure stinkreichen Eltern sollen mit Kreditkarte online von zu Hause aus spenden, und zwar über http://www.betterplace.org/de . Über "Hilfprojekte" gelangt man zum Projekt, wenn man "power minds youth" eingibt. Zur Beruhigung: Betterplace ist eine seriöse internationale Spendenplattform mit mehreren tausend Hilfprojekten, also nicht sowas wie die schmierigen online-Dienste, auf denen ihr sonst immer euer Geld verjuxt...
-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: Power minds Youth [mailto:powermindsyouth@yahoo.co.uk]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 10. April 2012 19:26
An: torsten.fleischer@idstein.de
Betreff: Thank you
How are you doing papa,we are doing just fine and smiling all days now. We have seen the donation of 168 Euros done by the beautiful Mr Potti of Idstein youth Crew and am really very happy, pliz let him know that we have appreciated the impact he has made to our youth center development. Send our regards to him and the Idstein youth crew kids. We are looking forward to seeing all of you here one day.
Thank you
Ja, er hat über Ostern einfach seine Verwandschaft abkassiert und mir gestern die Kohle im Büro in die Hand gedrückt. So geht's auch. Nicht lang dumm rumgelabert, sondern zack. Ich habe den Betrag dann mit meiner Kreditkarte angewiesen.
Als Spender habe ich "the beautiful Mr. Potti" angegeben, wobei man noch sagen sollte, dass er eigentlich gar nicht genannt werden wollte, der bescheidene Herr Pol Pot.
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