
RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda

in Quasselecke 26.11.2012 15:49
von franz • Besucher | 8.215 Beiträge

Zitat von Heinz
Es gibt jetzt auch Fenster in dem Haus, dann krabbeln die Kinder nicht immer nachts rein und schrotten alles (analog zu JUZ Idstein...).

Es ist doch schön zu sehen, dass es Dinge gibt, die - egal wo man auf der Welt ist - überall gleich sind... <3

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RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda

in Quasselecke 27.11.2012 09:57
von hyronimus • Besucher | 1.316 Beiträge

Zitat von Heinz

Guten morgen old python...Wie kommst du denn zu dieser Ehre??
...windows on our twin youth center... finanzieren wir jetz 2 afrikaschmuze, oder gibts die nur im zwillingspack? oder vergass er einfach nur ein "y"?
...you bringing it to Africa kampala some day and the girls will run off scared.da wäre ich dann aber auch gerne dabei, alte python

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RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda

in Quasselecke 27.11.2012 10:28
von Heinz • 6.776 Beiträge

Mit "our twin youth center" meint Nicholas natürlich das eine und einzige. Twin von unserem JUZ halt... Unser JUZ wäre analog dazu aus unserer Sicht OUR twin youth center.

Die "old python" ist einäugig und sehr groß. Mehr sage ich dazu nicht.

Zitat von Heinz
and the girls will run off scared.

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RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda

in Quasselecke 29.11.2012 11:24
von Heinz • 6.776 Beiträge

Lustige Politiker haben die da in Uganda..:

Citibank and Barclays: Condemn Uganda’s 'Kill the Gays' Bill
Ugandan legislators have re-introduced the dangerous Anti-Homosexuality Bill, a proposed law that would criminalize homosexuality in the country with extreme penalties. Under this proposed law, LGBT people could be killed or sentenced to life in prison, solely because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. As the bill’s author, David Bahati, has said, he believes the government of Uganda should “kill every last gay person.” (1) And recently, the Speaker of the Ugandan Parliament vowed to pass this dangerous legislation before the end of the year, calling it "a Christmas gift." (2) The vote is expected to happen any day.

da gibt's auch 'ne Petition

Von: Power minds Youth [mailto:powermindsyouth@yahoo.co.uk]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 28. November 2012 11:39
An: Fleischer, Torsten
Betreff: Re: strange stuff

Hello papa, ya its really serious but there are many groups of activists marching on the streets of Kampala right now to show their dissatisfaction towards this bill and they have promised to take the speaker down if she dares to pass the bill. USA, Canada and UK have already blocked the speaker from travelling to these countries and it has promised to block many government officials from Uganda to travel to Europe and USA. Yesterday unknown gangs of people stoned the car convoy of the speaker but unfortunately she wasn't it her car.
Now if the investors stop investing money in Uganda then its gonna sack the economy.
But we pray that bill is not passed because of the effect it will cause to us.

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RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda

in Quasselecke 11.03.2013 11:29
von Heinz • 6.776 Beiträge



Supporting Youth and Community development

Power Minds youth organization (PMYO) is a youth led-youth focused Community based organization with an over all objective of empowering youths both males and female between 13-25 years. This empowerment is a threefold focus i.e economically, socially and physically.
PMYO was first established by a group of 8 youth in June 2009 as a power Minds youth club. The clubs is vision was spread out to other community youths who later jointly resolved to turn it into an organisation. Its name was changed to Power Minds Youth Organization and registered by the government on 30th November 2010 as a community based organization Reg. No. WCBO/1317/11. This registration mandated PMYO to empower young people and develop their capacity and transform them as change agents in their families and the community at large. The youth account for 75% of Uganda's population and the over all problem that hinders their life time development is lack of practical skills which has resulted into high unemployment and hence poverty. Therefore the founding of PMYO has created hope to the young people especially in rural and poverty stricken areas of Uganda through empowering young people and their communities with practical life time skills. We started by acquiring a youth centre and the purpose was to create a meeting point for all young people to acquire information, skills, social development, physical empowerment and networking through sharing knowledge and information. We the help of my 8 team members and the community development persons we have achieved most of our objective from 2011 to 2012.
However we still need much support from development partners and supporters to continue empowering young people and developing our communities. I would like to thank all our partners we have worked with in making young people become change agents in their communities.




PMYO's Policy is a 3-fold strategy envisioned to act in a 3 focused objectives.
1. All designed programs should primarily target young people between 13-25 years of age who should be developed and in a short run impact their communities positively.
2. All programs should be youth led-youth focused i.e. Demands should be made by the young people as the primary beneficially.
3. All projects/programs should be designed to empower the youth through. Training Vocational Skills and entrepreneurship development


Empower young people with practical life time skills for self sustainability and also help reduce high levels of unemployment in their communities

VALUES: Respect, integrity, Stewardship, hard work and Responsibility

Provide a new generation of dynamic Ugandan young people by actively providing support to Mini and small scale youth activities to enhance their productivity, growth and competitiveness in their communities.

1. Mobilize, train and empower young people economically socially and physically through practical vocational life time skills for self sustainability
2. To engage in activities geared towards prevention and reduction of drug abuse, child abuse STD'S/HIV/AIDS and promotion of sexual reproductive health among the youth.
3. Mobilize available technical and financial assistance suitable for different activities for the benefit of the youth and their communities.
4. Enhance productivity and put resources, products and services together in bulk in order to attract a bigger market for selling and increased youth community participation to alleviate poverty
5. To network the youth of Uganda to other youth throughout the world so that they can interact and share knowledge and experience to become change makers.
6. Engage in activities that support and enhance environmental sustainability, sanitation and hygiene among young people as a way of community development


Power minds youth organization gives support to the youth groups/clubs in the key area of development through project support and activities, in return the youth groups make a contribution for sustainability of their projects in their communities


1. Economic opportunities for poverty reduction
Product development i.e. hands and crafts, textile development, metal fabric, brick making etc.
Market development i.e. market research, market creation, market skills training e.t.c.
Agricultural development i.e. piggery, local chicken rearing, goat breeding, cattle rearing and farming.

2. Knowledge ,health and social development
Education provides young people with the tools they need to escape poverty, diseases especially HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Bilharzias, Dioreahea and a result of poor hygiene and sanitation practices has weakened young people, decrease their quality of life and involve great t cost for care and reduced labour. Social development through co-curriculum activities like music dance, drummer, sports. There is a strong link between investment in social development and reduced poverty.

3. Environmentally sustainable development
Poverty reduction is impossible in the long term if we do not consider natural resources and environment on which people are dependent and build their livelihood .PMYO works together with other development partners to promote an environmentally sustainable development in community actively.

Our current and ongoing activities

1.Training and increasing awareness of HIV/AIDS among the youth where we train Peer educators, Distribute Condoms, Sanitary Pads to the girls since many girls in the village cannot afford buying them hence using dirty clothe tone from their blouses and dresses, we also distribute published materials in the village about reproductive health.
We work with other development agencies in Kasanje Sub County and the community as a whole.

2. Talent Development (Co-curricular activities)
-This involves developing the sportsmanship and sports girl among the youth where youth are trained in skills of football through our formed team termed as BACELONA for both boys’ team and girl’s netball team and giving constant support to them and facilitation. This has been done through a volunteer sports coach, we have over 20 young people training in sports both boys and girls.
-Music dance and drummer where the kids are trained to compose songs, sing rhythms and developing the talent of music in them which helps them get busy away from doing bad things as a result of being idol. We have managed to form Kasanje drummer group which can be hired by anyone who has a cultural festival and would like some performances on his or her festival. This will help the youth earn income from their Music talent for their personal development. We have over 15 young people in this group both boys and girls. This training is done by a Volunteer from the sub county division during his free time

3. Developing the Youth Community Centre for young people in Kasanje Sub County.
Work needed: Painting, Installing strong and permanent doors and windows, Refurbish the roof, working on the ceiling, Installing solar energy, plastering the outside walls, installing sports grounds
What the Centre will be composed of:
-Meeting Point for the young people for mentoring and leadership development
-Skills Training and Development Centre
-Resource Centre i.e. Computers for kids with internet, books, newspapers and other reading materials
-Social Centre: music dance and drummer, sports development centre
-HIV/AIDS counselling and guidance point
-Product development and collection centre

4. Tree planting Project for environmental sustainability

5. Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion in schools and the community

Planned Continued Activities For Kasanje Subcounty
1. Skills Training and Entrepreneurship Development

In this we will train the young people through various projects:
- Computer basic knowledge and use, where we expect the young people in Kasanje village to learn how to use computer applications and internet
- Textile Development Project, where we will train the young girls to use sewing machines to develop marketable products that can earn them income and the boy will learn to weave organic cotton textile materials on a Hand weaving Loom this will help them learn how to develop textile products that can be marketable in the markets around the world
- Basketry Weaving and Cluster Project, young people will learn to make baskets from organic raw materials that are environmentally friendly can be sold in different markets This will help them earn income to improve their well-being
- Commercial Agricultural Skills development, This we plan to have a Project termed: Send a “Pig Project” in this we hope to train youth to rear pigs on large scale for commercial purposes and after distribute 1 piglet to each youth and when it multiplies he or she extents a piglet to another youth which will eventually see many youth earning income from pig rearing. However will also hope to train them in Poultry farming and goat rearing.
- Jewel Making and Designing (Paper Beads for a Living Project), in this the young girls and boys will learn to make and develop beads from recycled papers that can help them earn a living.
- Detergents for a clean Living environment Project. In this we hope to train the young people to make soap on a small scale, making Detergents on small scale, making school chalk on small scale and school exercise books on a small scale. This project will widely help the young people in Kasanje earn a living since all these are widely used in households and schools.

2. Latrine Construction project for schools of disabled children in kasanje sub county Village. This project will aim at improving sanitation and hygiene in disadvantaged children and youth.

Headquarters: Kasanje Subcounty Village Wakiso District
Liason Office: Wandegeya Katanga Road
OFFICE +256 312283668
MOBILE +256 774 360 587
+256 703552146
+256 774023884
Website: http://www.powermindsyouth.org
Email powermindsyouth@yahoo.co.uk
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/powermindsyouth.org
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/powermindsyouth


Mr Nicholas Ssenjala

Mrs Diana Nalwanga

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RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda

in Quasselecke 11.03.2013 15:01
von joe hennessy • Besucher | 2.481 Beiträge

Also ich finde ja, das ist viel zu viel Text ...

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RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda

in Quasselecke 11.03.2013 17:24
von hyronimus • Besucher | 1.316 Beiträge

ich habs auch nich gelesen

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RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda

in Quasselecke 13.09.2013 15:10
von Heinz • 6.776 Beiträge

Einsatzliste für unseren JUZ-Stand beim MARKT DER NATIONEN

SAMSTAG, 14.9.

9:30-12:00 Franz, Anka, Kay-Antje
12:00-14:00 Laura, Fabian
14:00-16:00 Jannik, Luca
16:00-18:00 Manu, Räms, Stella (ab ca. 16:45)

SONNTAG, 15.9.

9:30 Falco, Laura
12:00-14:00 Stella, Luca
14:00-16:00 Anka, Kay-Antje
16:00-18:00 Manu, Jannik, Fabian

Korrekturen / Ergänzungen: Vater anrufen!

Besucher dieser Veranstaltung sind vom Standpersonal erwünscht.
Verkaufsmaterial und die PMYO-Infotafel sind schon in der Hütte. Bringe Hammer, Nägel, Reißzwecken, Gaffa, Plane gegen Regen und Wechselgeld. In der Hütte sind 2 Tische, Kabeltrommel, Kiste Wasser, Papierkorb. Für draußen: außerdem noch 2 Stehtische, kleiner hässlicher Tengelmann-Sonnenschirm, Mülltonne. Heissa!

Ach ja: Wer will mit mir heute um 19:30 mit dem Zwijndrecht-Bürgermeister und Anhang (7 Leute) sowie 3 Leuten vom Bürgerpartnerschaftsverein Eine Welt (Wingerberg) ins Brauhaus Essen gehen? Stadt zahlt, für JUZ gehen 2 Leute, also Heinz plus 1. Die Zeit läuft ab JETZT

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RE: JUZ-Spende für Uganda

in Quasselecke 09.10.2013 14:50
von Meuchel0r • 2.129 Beiträge

Weils zum Thema passt, ein paar Zeilen zur Entwicklungshilfe (hat mit unserem speziellen Fall allerdings wenig zu tun, eher wirtschaftlich):


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