When it comes to electoral democracy, a country having a per capita income associated with $3, 000 can achieve democracy, and a country with a for each capita income of $30, 000 can achieve democracy. But the quality of these two Marlboro Cigarettes Free Shipping democracies is totally different. At $3, 000 per person, a boule is worth nothing. A box of cigarettes and a bar regarding soap can buy a paquet. It is not difficult to observe that within low-income countries, the political election process tends to be heavily vote-buying. It is also common in nearby elections in Newport 100s China. However once the average income gets to $30, 000, it is hard to purchase votes. The same is true with regard to candidates. In Europe, for a long period, it was the aristocracy and also the social elite who were associated with politics. They are not in national politics to support their families. But now, the actual west is a popular democracy, as well as anyone who gets sufficient votes can be elected. However for politicians from the poor, Cheap Newport 100s Carton the roles they get, whether they tend to be MPS or government authorities, are meant to support their families. Whenever their position does not provide them with enough income to support a good life, corruption becomes unavoidable. The corruption of Uk MPS in recent years is a just to illustrate.